Showing posts with label PHOTOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PHOTOS. Show all posts

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Discriminative, Comprehensive, Empathic, Analytical & Appreciative Listening

Discriminative Listening, Comprehensive Listening, Empathic Listening, Analytical Listening, and Appreciative Listening. Examples of the Five Types of Listening. Difference between Discriminative Listening and Comprehensive Listening.

Listening Definition

Listening means hearing and interpreting the message intentionally to provide feedback. It is an active process of giving attention to hear the sounds. The active listening process has six steps such as receiving, selecting, interpreting, understanding, evaluating, and responding to the message. Therefore, listening is the ability to receive, select, interpret, understand, evaluate, and appropriately respond to the meaning of another person’s spoken and nonverbal messages. There are many types of listening that people use to communicate with each other.

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The Five Types of Listening are Discriminative Listening, Comprehensive Listening, Empathic Listening, Analytical Listening, and Appreciative Listening.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group Communication or Discussion. Six Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group or Team Communication.Group communication 

Group communication means intercommunication among a number of people who interact regularly to achieve a goal.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group Communication

Small group communication

In similar, Small group communication means intercommunication among a small number of people who communicate regularly to achieve a goal. It is also known as a small group discussion or team interaction. Small group communication is very important for group learning.